Archive for April 1, 2016

Dead Air Ep 51 – Drag Me To Hell

Posted in Dead Air Podcast, Updates with tags , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2016 by splatterpictures

It may be April GHOULS day but this episode of Dead Air is no joke. Although, the movie is pretty funny I guess. Wes and Lydia discuss the triumphant return to horror for legendary director Sam Raimi with; Drag Me to Hell. In order to impress her boss for her next big promotion a young, kindhearted loan officers decides to get tough on an elderly woman way behind her mortgage payments. Desperate to stay in her home the old woman begs and pleads but going against her very nature young Christine says no. Angry and humiliated the woman curses her that in three days she will be dragged to hell to be devoured by the demon Lamia. Time is running out for Christine and she must figure out a way to reverse the curse but with her personal and professional life crumbling down around her it’s hard to tell where life stops and hell begins. Sam Raimi is true to form in this outrageous, ooey gooey horror comedy.